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About VP Security Services, Inc in San Jose, CA

VP Security Services, Inc is an exceptional hands-on security company, serving clients throughout the Bay Area, including San Jose, CA, with onsite security services. Our reputation is built around raising the standard in the security industry and providing services catering to a client’s specific needs. We take pride in exceeding our clients’ expectations and surpassing our competition’s services, from the initial hiring process to the client relationship. Our company creates specific post orders with each new account and develops in-house training programs for officers serving at your location. After one week into signing a contract with us, you will notice an increase in communication as we get items in order before the start date. We look forward to showing our levels of professionalism and efficacy.

Security Professionals on Crime Scene in San Jose, CA

Adhering to Our Mission Statement

We offer security guards with the number-one goal at individual and team levels to meet or exceed every client’s security needs with a team of the finest-trained, best-supervised, and most motivated professional security officers you will find in the industry. Our company always relates to each client’s needs by providing site-specific focus and holding our client’s needs above ours. VP Security Services, Inc will never stop improving until we have earned the position of the industry’s most respected security company.

Apartment HOA Security Services

Armando Gomez, CEO

Armando Gomez leads our company with almost two decades of experience in sales, operational, training, and public relations in nearly every industry. He keeps close relationships with the community he serves and remains a hands-on CEO to set the company’s tone. Armando is like many company leaders as a Silicon Valley native involved in the county’s growth. His uncle is retiring from the Santa Clara Sheriff’s office, and his mother works for the Health Care Division of Santa Clara County. Armando keeps strong connections with health care and law enforcement. He grew up with a humble background and won’t let his State Guard Card Certifications expire. Armando is an avid trainer and worked as a fitness trainer for celebrities, professional athletes, corporate executives, and the San Jose Police Department to gain additional expertise. He continues to train and keeps his clients and employees healthy. Armando has a current business license and maintains his position as a principal licensed by the Bureau of Security and Investigative Services (BSIS).

We Put Your Needs Above Ours

VP Security Services, Inc makes customer service our top priority, and we work hard to ensure our clients are satisfied. Our operation method is putting our clients’ needs first to keep their property, data, and people safe.

Contact Us to Schedule Customized Security Solutions