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VP Security Services Inc – KTVU Fox 2 News Coverage

Residents report that their mail carrier was robbed, resulting in the theft of his master key, which has led to significant amounts of missing mail at the Meridian Apartments in San Jose. Security experts at VP Security recommend taking extra precautions. They suggest personally picking up any essential deliveries and rerouting important mail to a PO Box for added safety.

VP Security Services Inc. – NBC News Reel

VP Security Services, Inc advises malls and other businesses wanting heightened police activity to consider adding private security to deter criminals. One practical security measure that’s recommended is to limit the number of entry points to your business and put a uniformed guard at each entry point.

We’re the Fastest Way to Protect Your Bay-Area Business

Are you looking for the fastest way to protect your business? VP Security Services, Inc offers security solutions for Bay Area businesses of all sizes and industries. Our local security company in San Jose, CA has raised onsite security standards with services customized to each client’s needs. If you need short- or long-term private security for your business, school, apartment HOA, or construction site, give us a call. Our staff goes the extra mile to ensure your property, data, and people remain safe. We can also provide extra security for your next special event, as well as immediate alarm response security services.

VP Security Services, Inc has seen an increase in calls for our security guards in recent years. Browse news coverage of our local security company to see how we protect and serve businesses in our communities just like you.

VP Security Services Inc. – ABC News Reel

Small businesses and retailers are looking to add private security services as visual deterrents to crime. VP Security Services, Inc discusses how having additional uniformed guards adds more of a presence. Learn how security guards stop suspicious activities before major crimes occur.

VP Security Services Inc. – Fox News Anchor Kelly O’Grady

America’s Crime Crisis – Many small business owners no longer feel confident in government leaders to keep their properties safe. Several San Francisco-area businesses have taken security matters into their own hands by hiring private security services such as VP Security Services, Inc.

VP Security Services Inc. – Fox News

Retailers tired of dealing with smash-and-grabs during the hectic holiday season have begun to outsource security services. Find out what happens during a ride-along with VP Security Services, Inc.

VP Security Services Inc. – Telemundo 48

Wondering what to do if you’re ever in a store while it’s being robbed? Remain calm. Don’t try to run, or the criminals could see you as a potential target. The best thing for security guards in this situation to do is to call the local police and try to avoid confrontation as much as possible.

Protect Your Business by Contacting Our Local Security Company

After watching news coverage of how our security company deters crime, are you ready to see what we can do for you with our state-of-the-art security technology? Please contact us today to customize our localized security services to keep you and your Bay Area property safe. We’d be happy to provide you with a free risk evaluation upon request!

Contact Us to Schedule Customized Security Solutions