Mobile Patrol Security Services
in San Jose, CA

What Are Mobile Patrol Security Services?
A mobile patrol unit is one that moves around the location and patrols the outside. They may also move with you from location to location as part of your personal security team and then patrol when you reach each destination. These services allow your mobile patrol security to stay vigilant with all security risks that were assessed ahead of time in a quick and efficient manner.
The Benefits of Mobile Patrolling
Security officers on foot have the advantage of being in the fray. They can see what’s going on from many different angles and communicate with each other about risks. Mobile patrolling offers this security in a faster and more efficient way. Since the mobile patrol units can move around the location with more speed, fewer officers are needed to cover a wide range.
Mobile patrol units can also back up security officers on foot faster than their other team members. If a client needs to leave a place quickly or another officer needs help, the mobile patrol can get there quickly and ensure that you remain safe in all kinds of risk situations.
Who Needs Mobile Patrolling?
Clients who will have a large area to cover, who need to move to different locations throughout their service, or who need security officers on site that can see the things from many perspectives are clients who are most likely to benefit from mobile patrolling services.
Some events and client service requests require a security presence that’s easily seen. Security officers on foot are discreet by nature. A labeled security mobile patrol that continuously moves around your location is a statement that can’t be ignored.
A location that needs to be secured all day and night can benefit from mobile security patrol. The mobile patrol can secure the perimeter of the building while no one is there. If you need 24/7 security, mobile patrolling is a great way to achieve that goal.
If you’re not sure, talk to us during your initial consultation so we know you may want this service while we do our risk assessment.
Duties of a Mobile Patrol Security Guard
The main duty of a mobile patrol security guard is to move around the location and watch for risks. The mobile patrol security guard will then relay what they see to other parts of the security team or to a main point person. This information gives everyone on site the best tools to fulfill the client’s security needs.
Mobile patrol security may also be responsible for securing a site 24/7 while people aren’t there. They move around a perimeter and ensure that the site is not breached while it is empty. This may include connecting with the police or management after hours if they catch any unauthorized persons on the premises.
Inquire About 24/7 Mobile Patrolling Services
Our security experts can help you figure out exactly what you need for your location, event, or personal security situation. Let us know that you need 24/7 security if you’re interested in mobile patrolling services and learn about the different services available at VP Security Services.